"Plume et Primevère"—or, Quill and Primrose. “This series of decorative panels originally sold for 12 francs on paper, or 40 francs on satin. It depicts two rather pensive maidens, one blonde and one brunette, one holding a primrose, the other a goose quill and a leafy branch. Typical Art Nouveau ornamentation prevails in the background patterns and in the jewelry worn by the girls” (Lendl/Prague, p. 218). A recent exhibition catalogue rightly calls this a “masterful” work: “The beauty of this pair of panels lies in the contrast between the geometric mosaic behind the head of Quill and the floral ornamental circle inspired by nature behind the head of Primrose” (Mucha/Art Nouveau, p. 198). (2)
Imp. F. Champenois, Paris (not shown)
literature: Rennert/Weill, 64; Lendl/Prague, 219; Mucha/Art Nouveau, 51; PAI-XCIII, 294
This work will ship from Lambertville, New Jersey.